

Shree Maa


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Sangha History

Aims and Objectives of the Sangha

Sangha Management

Working of the Sangha


There are 42 members of the Governing Body who are elected every three years in batches of 7 each year (21 from Ascetics and 21 from Non Ascetics ) and are responsible for the Running and Management of the Sangha. The Board of Trustees and the Executive Council are elected form amongst the Governing Body Members except that the Board of Trustees has four members who are not G. B. Members, but by well known and highly respected devotees.


Each Branch Ashram of the Sangha is run (managed) by a management team (10 members) nominated by the Governing Body / E. C also for a period of three Years.

The Management team has a President, Vice President and Secretary to manage the day to day operations and six other members.


All Branch accounts are audited by an external auditor who then submits the signed Audit Report to Head Office who consolidates the accounts. The consolidated report is then audited by an external auditor. The Internal audit is carried out by separate internal Auditors.


Board of Trustees for 2022-24


1. Acharya Chandandi           President

2. Ms Madhavi Badiani          Trustee

3. Sri Ashish Choudhury       Trustee

4. Sri Tarun Kumar Ghai       Trustee and Secretary

5. Sri Vinay Kumar Goenka  Trustee

6. Sri Apurva Diwanji             Trustee

7. Sri Shubhrasish Sen            Trustee

8. Sri Anindya Bose                 Trustee

9. Sri Rajib Ghosh                   Trustee

Permanent Invitees                  Sw Chetanananda

                                                    Sw Shivananda


Executive Council  for 2022-24

Emeritus President                                                    Sw Achyutanandaji

1.  President & Mukhya Sadhu-sanchalak            Acharya Chandandi

2. VP (Non-Ascetic)                                                  Ms Madhavi Badiani

3. General Secretary                                                  Sri Ashish Choudhury

4. Additional G.S. (Co-ordination)                          Sri Rajib Ghosh

5. Additional. G.S. (Administration)                       Sri Roma Prasad Chatterjee

6. Treasurer                                                                 Sri Bibhabananda Majumdar

7. Member & Assistant General Secretary             Sw Shivananda Giri

8. Member                                                                   Sri Tarun Kumar Ghai

9. Member                                                                   Sri Vinay Kumar Goenka

10.Member                                                                  Sri Anindya Bose

Permanent Invitee                                                        Sri Shubhrasish Sen

N.B. VP (Ascetic) to be decided in due course by the Ascetic Committee.






The Official website of the Shree Shree Anandamayee Sangha